Evolution: The Horn Loudspeaker

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Where did horn loudspeakers come from?

Evolution: The Horn Loudspeaker

During the Golden Age of cinema, the horn loudspeaker was perfected. To this day, horn speakers of this era made by manufacturers such as Western Electric and RCA (to name a few) are prized for their efficiency of sound reproductions and command a small fortune in collector circles.

During the 50's and 60's Horn speaker designs were reduced to the size of a large refrigerator to fit in America's living rooms. Companies like Altec, Electrovoice, and Klipsch successfully marketed horn speakers for the home. Well-designed horn loudspeaker systems are super efficient. Even today, there is a worldwide cult following for horn loudspeakers, and a huge Do-It-Yourself community of Horn Speaker builders. This speaks volumes about their efficiency.



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