Advanced Speaker Repairs

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I love my speakers, but they are dead - Is there hope?

Advanced Speaker Repairs

Certain high-end vintage speakers deserve to be saved--no matter what the cost might be. There are companies that specialize in:

• reconing speakers
• rewinding burnt out voice coils
• re-energizing magnets
• diaphragm replacement
• fabrication

Most modern speaker owners consider these services cost prohibitive—they think it's easier just to buy new speakers. On the other hand, vintage speaker collectors will use these services to bring 70 year-old speakers back to life.



9/2/2007 7:06:17 PM
Bret Ludwig said:

Oftentimes the cost effective repair is to gut the cabinet and install a set of drivers and a crossover from a company such as Madisound. Old speaker cabinets can often be used to provide inexpensive good sound by this method.

1/13/2009 9:32:03 AM
dan said:

I want the tips in rewinding burnt out speakers


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